

In a two bedroom apartment on the east side of lake Washington, right on the border between Kirkland and Bellevue, lived a fairly large family. There were no fathers in this family, but there were two mothers. They were sisters, Sally and Renee Verstwal and had pooled their script together in order to afford a two bedroom apartment. It had a real living room, and a dining room, though the dining room had curtains up and inside lived the girls. Sally and Renee shared the master bedroom, sometimes it also had a crib if one had recently had a child. The other bedroom housed the boys, there were more of them usually and it had been decided that they would get the bedroom. Of course who lived where changed often enough that these given outlines are more of an idea of a day in the life of the Verstwal family as opposed to a given set of rules.

By the time Sally finally opted to get sterilized she had produced 4 sons and 3 daughters. Renee had managed 5 sons and 2 daughters. Only two of the children in the house shared a father, and ironically they were only half siblings. One wild and drunken night Sally and Renee had ended up in a three way and somehow both managed to get pregnant. Korhal and Elise were practically twins, Elise was born a few days prior to Korhal, and of course had different mothers biologically speaking, but the way that they were raised they might as well have been twins.

Elise was fiercely smart, independent, and aggressive. Korhal was loyal, strong, and had an innate ability to notice things. Together they were unstoppable, and most of the time they were together. On Korhal’s eighteenth they took the test to join the military. They both flew through the physical with ease, though Korhal scored a fair bit higher than Elise. Korhal struggled but managed to barely pass the written tests, Elise on the other hand scored the highest recorded written score from anyone testing without private school training, and was in the top ten percentile of even though with private school training.

They tried at first to stay together, and through basic they managed to, but when specialty training came up, they were taken apart. Korhal was suited to infantry, to grunt work. Elise was taken directly to officer training, where she would continue to excel. The first weeks were hard, they had never been apart. Elise had the harder time, she didn’t want friends she wanted her brother. She dove into her studies and made no friends amongst her new peers. They all envied her, as she constantly got the highest scores on everything.

Korhal had a rough time at first, he was used to Elise making all of his decisions and helping him with the day to days of life, but with the structure provided by the military he found a place for himself. He was friendly to others, and soon had a good group of friends amongst his peers. He passed his classes with decent grades, and was always top marks for all of the physical and weapons training. It came to him naturally, so much so that after six months in marine training he was moved on into special ops training.

Elise career could have been taken out of a manual on how to move rapidly through the ranks, she spent only the mandatory year serving as an ensign on a mid sized cruiser, before she was promoted to lieutenant junior grade, she earned her lieutenant stripes in the field when her commanding officer was killed in action during a dust up with one of the asteroid built pirate organizations. She served as XO on a light cruiser for the next year, before being given her own light cruiser and making Lieutenant Commander. But she had her eyes on even bigger fish.

Korhal had no interest in promotion, but he worked hard and he did well. He spent his first two years of service as a private. Then he was recruited by an elite task force and given the rank of lance corporal. He would keep this rank for a long time, but he would serve in one of the most highly sought after groups in the marine corp. The Red Runners were known throughout the service as the most elite squad.

The two would not see each other again for eight years, neither had any interest in returning to Earth for leave, and so they just kind of never ended up running into each other. They emailed when they had time, but life had changed, they had drifted apart.

Elise was promoted to Captain and was given command of an assault cruiser, one of the fastest leanest ships in the navy. Also the same ship that had the Red Runners as its personal marine squad.

Elise surveyed the bridge quietly, a half dozen crew sat at their stations, until somebody to her left called out ‘Captain on deck!’ then they each stood and turned saluting her. Each took their right hand and placed it palm open on their chest.

“As you were,” she said, looking each of them over as they returned to their stations and whatever they had been doing.

“Captain, we weren’t expecting you until tomorrow, the ship’s repairs aren’t complete yet.”

“I am aware of Silivri Escort the state of my ship,” her ship. Though she wasn’t happy about how she had got it, the same reason they were finishing up repairs. A dead Captain was nothing to celebrate, but it had opened up one of the most coveted ships in the fleet, and her name had been on the short list to get it. “I wanted to take a look today, get me Lance Corporal Korhal Verstwal for a tour.

Her first officer did his best to hide his interest in those names, but the faint arch of his eyebrow was all that gave him away as he turned and tapped some keys at his console.

“The Lance Corporal is on his way up, sir.”

The truth was that Korhal did not even recognize his sister when she stepped down from her chair as he arrived on the bridge. He gave the old style marine salute, raising his open right hand to his forehead. “Sir, reporting for escort duty, sir.”

Elise didn’t let her frown touch her actual lips, keeping it in her mind, did her own brother not recognize her? It had been a long time, she supposed. “At ease Lance Corporal.” He shifted into parade rest and waited. “Well, let’s begin.”

He saluted again and turned away, something nagging at his mind, some recognition. Had he run into this woman on leave at some point, he wondered. “This way sir, is there anywhere in particular you would like to begin? Captain, uih. I’m sorry sir, I just realized I don’t actually know your name.”

“It’s Captain Verstwal,” she said, he stopped abruptly and she nearly ran right into his muscled back. He turned and stared at her, his mouth hanging open. A smirk crossed her lips.

“Holy fuck, Elise! I mean, sir. I did not realize you had gotten another promotion.”

“Show me to engineering,” he nodded and turned away pressing the button to call the lift. A frown touched his lips, this should be a happy moment but she was treating him bad. Was it because he had not recognized her? His frown deepened as the lift opened and he stepped inside, it was a bit cramped with both of them inside, mainly because he was pretty massive, and she was not exactly tiny herself. Granted his six and a half feet made her look short, but she was herself just about six feet tall. She was slim though, well muscled but also accustomed to a job that mainly was sitting behind a desk on the ship. He was raw muscle though, his shoulders were broad and his neck was thick.

The door slid closed and he glanced over at her, it started to move when she spoke. “Ship, halt lift. Authorization code C-13769 Elise.” He turned their bodies brushing against each other as he looked down at her, her arms slid around him and he slid his own back around her.

“I’m sorry Elise, I didn’t recognize you, I feel awful.”

“It’s been eight year Korhal, it’s fine.” They were both twenty-six now, on their second contracts with their respective branches of the military. “I honestly probably would not have recognized you either, if I hadn’t already known you were on board. I pulled some strings so that nobody on board besides my XO and your Major knew who I was.”

“Well that makes sense I guess then,” he said trying to get a better look at her. Now that he was looking for it he did see the Elise he knew in her, the same smirk on her lips. Her green eyes that matched his own, her hair was blonde though, when last he’d seen her it had been her natural auburn, much as his was. “You dyed your hair as well.”

“Oh yea, wow I’ve been doing that for most of the time I have been in, I didn’t even think about that.” She smirked up at him, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair. “Still keeping it ginger I see.”

“Well, I don’t exactly have a lot of it to work with, what with keeping in regs. You navy folk get to do whatever you want with yours I suppose.” It wasn’t entirely true, but their regs were a lot less strict than the marines were when it came to personal appearance.

“We should probably get back to that inspection, afterwards though we should have dinner though, my stuff isn’t on ship yet and I understand that you have leave on station for the night. I know an excellent sushi place in the officer’s ward, if you don’t mind hobnobbing a bit.

“Sure, I mean as long as you’re paying,” he smiled and she nodded. He’d never been to the officer’s ward, as a non-com he wasn’t allowed access unless he was with an Officer and he didn’t exactly spend a lot of time with them.

Korhal wasn’t exactly one for fancy foods, but he didn’t mind the sushi. It was one of the few gourmet foods that translated well in space living, since you could still get a lot of fresh fish up here. Conversation over dinner was a little awkward, but they got back into their groove a bit, and discussed their years in service.

“When I found out that the Red Riders were assigned to the Drake I knew I had to push to get it as my first assignment when I got promoted. It’s Şirinevler Escort terrible that Captain Armond had to die for me to get it, and I wouldn’t wish what happened to you guys on anyone, but I am glad that I get to serve next to my little brother.”

He raised an eyebrow at her, having forgotten how she loved to remind him how she was a full two days older than him, he let it pass though, he knew she wouldn’t call him that in front of anyone else. “Well, I’m glad I get to serve with you as well, I was starting to think that it would be after retirement that I’d get to see you again.”

“Well, I’m sure we’d have figured something out before then.” Though she admitted to herself that he may well have been right. “Have you heard anything from Earth lately? I haven’t gotten a letter in months.”

“I haven’t from our mom’s, but your brother, Carlyle, he still drops me a line every few weeks, lets me know what is going on at home. He’s getting married, invited me, but it’s back on Earth. I haven’t been back there since we left.”

“Me either,” she acknowledged. “We should probably get out of here, that waiter has been giving us the stink eye for awhile, pretty sure we’ve been hogging this table for awhile.”

He was pretty sure that it was just that he was a non-com in here, but he let her have her fantasy. “Alright, guess we can talk more later.”

“Fuck that, my apartment is on this level, won’t take us five minutes to get there. Come on over, I have a sixty-five scotch I’ve been looking for an excuse to open up.”

“Well, if you insist, Captain.”

“Hey, none of that tonight, we’re just Elise and Korhal Vertwal tonight.”

“Alright, alright.” He smiled, and she pressed her thumb to the table before they stood and he followed her out. She was still as beautiful as the last time he’d seen her, if anything more so. Age had done her good, and years in the service had tightened her body, and though she wore her uniform currently he could still see that she had a firm behind under it. He pushed that thought aside though, it had been many years since they had been anything more than strangers, and he didn’t need to be bringing up old memories.

Elise was right it was more like three minutes before they were entering her apartment. He whistled,as they entered. “You officer sure have it good,” he said looking around the place. It was an open design, the main room had a vaulted ceiling with stairs going up to an open loft where he could see her bed, under her bedroom was a small kitchen, and there were two doors in there. One presumably a closet, and the other the bathroom. She had a couch up against one wall, behind it a screen that showed the stars, though he knew they were not anywhere near the hull. Another couch faced it, with a holo display between them. Shelves on one wall held knick knacks she had collected over the years. He moved toward them as she went to the kitchen and found the bottle of scotch she had promised.

“Shit, you still have the ball I signed for you after I won the state championship?” He laughed, and smiled looking at the brown faux leather football. His signature was emblazoned on the side, he wondered how many men had asked her whose it was. He wondered what she told them. He also remembered what she’d done to reward him for that winning game, and a bit of redness entered his cheeks.

“One of the best nights of both of our lives, if I remember correctly, why would I get rid of it?” Elise was standing next to him now, and offered him a glass, half full of scotch. He tasted it as he looked over her other things. He didn’t recognize the various other things in her collection, though they all seemed like they were more sentimental than actual worth money.

“This is good,” he said looking at his glass and then turning away from the wall and surveying her apartment. From here he could see up into her bedroom better, she had a large bed and to either side of it were doors. He figured one was a closet again, there other possibly a second bathroom, or maybe something else.

“I’d give you a tour but from here you can see the whole place,” she moved over and dropped down onto one of the couches, patting the seat next to her. He went around and dropped into it, she yawned and rested her head against his arm, nestling into him a bit. “Tonight is the last night you’ll not be in my direct chain of command for probably a long time.”

Korhal wasn’t sure he was getting what she was saying, but part of him hoped he was, “I suppose that is true, after tonight no more drinking together. We can still chat, but it wouldn’t be right for us to be spending a lot of time together.”

“That was my thought as well,” she agreed as she leaned out and set her drink on the holo table, then turned toward him and began to unbutton his dress uniform. “We should probably make the most of it then.”

Korhal hesitated for a moment, but god had he Şişli Escort missed her, he reached out and took her by the neck, pulling her mouth to his. Their kiss was hungry, like two animals starving finally given what they needed. She pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and he let it fall away, then he lifted her up. He fumbled his way up the stairs and tossed her on the bed, pulling his undershirt off over his head as she struggled to undo the buttons of her own dress uniform while also trying to see him as he unclothed.

He reached out to her and pushed her hands away, grabbing her top and just ripping it open, she probably had other uniforms. Elise gasped with desire, the heat between her legs had been there since she’d first seen him hours ago on the ship, but now it was nearly unbearable. In the eight years since their last time she had discovered a lot about herself, and one of those things was that she liked it a bit rough. She knew that anything would be wonderful with Korhal, but the idea that he might like it that way was driving her mad.

“Korhal, don’t hold back … I can take it,” she whispered in his ear, as he hands undid his pants and shoved them and his boxers briefs down. He helped her get him naked and looked down at her, she still had on an undershirt, and pants. Her shoe’s had disappeared somewhere on the stairs though.

“I can be, pretty rough,” he admitted, her eyes lit up as he said this, hoping so.

“I promise, I can take it, if I can’t. I’ll say, uh, pineapple.” He pulled her up off the bed and spun her around, planting his own ass back on the bed.

“Alright, you got some music?” He asked, she nodded.

“Play music, something sexy,” she said to her apartment, and something with a good beat came out.

“Strip,” he told her, leaning back and running his hand along his shaft.

Elise was riveted by his cock though and didn’t start stripping, he leaned forward and placed his hand on her cheek. “I said strip,” He was looking her right in the eyes, and she blinked starting to move to do what he’d said.

She wasn’t a trained dancer or anything, but she knew how to move her body, and slowly she slid her slacks down, turning away from him to show off her tight round bottom. She had worn a cute set of panties, in hope that this would happen tonight, and was very glad she had. They were black and a little shiny and barely covered her naughty bits, letting the cheeks of her ass hang out.

Korhal reached out and grabbed an ass cheek in each of his hands, squeezing and rubbing for a moment. Then one of his hands moved to her waist and turned her a bit and pushed her until she was leaning forward. She moaned in anticipation hoping that his other hand was rearing back to spank her naughty ass. To her delight exactly that was happening, she felt the sting of his hand as he spanked her, and her moan was even louder at the combined pleasure and pain. Her pale skin took on the welt of his handprint with ease, causing a pink rendition of it. He spanked her other cheek, so as to keep them matching.

“Get the rest off now,” he commanded. She pulled her tank top off revealing her bra, staring at him as he stroked his cock. Then she undid the bra and let it fall away, still moving her hips to the music. Slowly she began to push her panties down, first facing away from him, but then as they got to her knees she spun around to face him again and dropped them to her ankles, stepping out of one side while her other foot kicked up and launched them in the air, they landed right on the cock he was slowly stroking.

“Nice aim,” he said, offering a light chuckle as he lifted and sniffed them. The front was completely soaked in her juices, and he smirked taking a light taste before tossing them away. He recalled the last time he’d seen her naked, they had been in the bathroom at the shuttle port, about to catch their ride to basic training. Then her stomach had been soft, maybe even a little pudgy, now it was smooth and firm from years of daily work outs.

Elise stood still as he leaned forward, running his fingers along her stomach, then leaning closer and kissing it. He had plans for what he wanted to do to her, and her to do to him, but for the moment all he really wanted was to tase her. He slid both his hands between her legs, hooking around them and grabbing an ass cheek with each then he lifted her up off the ground and her legs slid over his shoulders.

His tongue delved into her moist folds, she tasted just the same as he remembered from the last time he’d tasted her, she’d been sitting on a toilet, he’d knelt on a pile of their clothes. He breathed her heady scent in as his tongue first made its way between her lips and began to thrust into her. She moaned with pleasure, both of her hands buried in his short hair, barely able to get a grip. He held her tightly though and she was somehow not afraid he’d drop her.

His memories now returned to the first time they had helped each other shave all of their pubic hair, he saw that she still kept herself clean down there, and she had already seen that the same was true of him. Korhal slid his tongue from between her lips and then began to attack her clit with it, she was so close already that within moments she was thrusting against him and he had to fall back to keep from dropping her.

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