What Happens on Stage


NOTE: This story contains elements of cheating, unprotected sex, and (light) incest at the end. Don’t do these things in real life, folks.


“Fuck me, James, fuck me…”

I buried my head into Ally’s shoulder, focusing all my energy on thrusting into her tight, wet pussy. She groaned, pulling me into her, and shuddered in orgasm.

“Cum, please,” she moaned. “I want to cum together…”

Ally and I had met doing theater in college. She was a year older than I, and I used to tease her about being the cougar senior girl going after the junior boy.

Ally was a beautiful, slim blonde woman who looked like she’d just stepped out of a Norwegian hot spring. Her hair was so light it was almost white, her eyes were big and green, and her nipples stood pink and pointy on her breasts, which, though small, fit her slender frame. I looked down her body, flushed with coital bliss, to the triangle of trimmed blonde hair between her spread legs, and her open pussy that made a slick sound as I drove into her.

“I’m getting close,” I huffed.

“Cum in me,” Ally said. “Fill me up.”

All of a sudden, we heard a voice from Ally’s living room: “Ally? Ally! HELLO?”

“Shit, that’s Ava,” Ally whispered to me, rolling off me and throwing on one of my sweaters, which was large on her. “Quick, get dressed.”

My cock was shiny and throbbing, unhappy to be interrupted so close to completion, but there was nothing to be done. I pulled on some gym shorts.

“Hello!” Ava said in a singsong voice as she burst happily into the room.

I think I managed to get my shorts up in time, but if Ava saw, she didn’t react.

“Hey, Ava,” Ally said. “Nice of you to do away with that annoying custom of knocking before you enter.”

In my sexually frustrated state, I couldn’t not notice how stunningly beautiful Ally’s little sister was.

Ava was a freshman beauty with freckles and curly blonde hair that framed her angelic face like a young starlet in an old movie. She had a petite figure just like her older sister, but with more generous curves, filling out a regular t-shirt with firm, prominent breasts.

“I got a callback!” Ava happily bounced around, not seeming to notice that Ally and I were flushed and out of sorts from almost having been walked in on.

“That’s… great,” Ally said, hesitating. “That’s impressive, especially for a freshman.”

Ally had told me all about her competitive relationship with Ava. The same sports teams, the same roles in high school, Ava even went after some of Ally’s boyfriends back in the day. Ally hadn’t been happy that Ava had chosen our university, and wouldn’t be happy that Ava was challenging her for the lead roles in the shows that were once Ally’s uncontested. Still, their mother said they had to live together, so Ally could help Ava stay sheltered from the worst of college.

“I’m sure I won’t get it, but it’s so cool to even be at callbacks,” Ava said. “Wow.”

“James auditioned too,” Ally said. “He’s a lock for the male lead, I bet.”

Ava looked me up and down. “He certainly looks like a dashing leading man to me.”

“That, and the fact that everything is easier for men in theater,” I said. “The bar’s not so high.”

“Well, I just wanted to share the good news,” Ava said, heading for the door. “I’ll see you guys at callbacks! Maybe spend more time practicing, and less time having sex!” She giggled as Ally threw a pillow at her.

“That won’t be a problem for you,” Ally called after her, teasing. “Virgin!”

All we could hear was the sound of Ava’s cute laughter as she slammed the door of her room.


“Oh, huh,” Ally said, studying the callback pairings on the sign-up sheet. “I have to do my scenes with Kevin.”

Kevin was a good friend of ours, a theater die-hard who would get the lead role every time if he were able to act convincingly straight. Unfortunately for him and luckily for me, our theater director David refused to believe him as a romantic interest for the women.

“Better than a random stranger,” I said. Kevin was a good guy. “Who am I doing mine with?” I studied the list. Then my stomach dropped. “Oh, shit.” I was supposed to do the kissing scene with Ava.

Ally saw it, too. “You and Ava? Of course you two would be paired up.”

“I’m sure I can ask David to switch us.”

“No, it’s okay,” Ally said. “What he says goes, and you don’t want to make him mad.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Have fun. It’ll be the thrill of Ava’s life. She’s always gone after my boyfriends anyway.”

Just as Ally disappeared to run lines with Kevin, Ava spotted me from down the hallway and came up to me. She was dressed in a t-shirt, as usual, but this one had a lower neckline, offering me a tantalizing view of her cleavage. From what I could see, her tits were perfect, soft and smooth. I tried not to look at them as she approached.

“So we’re together, huh?”

“Guess so.”

Ava darted in and kissed me quickly, just a quick peck on the lips. I pulled back, too late, surprised.

“What was that kaynarca escort for?”

“Just to get the awkwardness out of the way,” Ava said. “Now we’ve had our first kiss.”

We found an empty classroom ran through lines quickly. I kept stumbling over mine, distracted by the beautiful girl in front of me. When we got to the kissing scene, Ava lowered her script, looked me in the eyes and came in close to kiss me. I caught a light scent of a sexy perfume on her neck as she tilted her head up.

I hesitated. This was my girlfriend’s little sister, wouldn’t it be weird to kiss? I mean, to really kiss? Ava, luckily, made the decision for me. She pressed her soft, full lips to mine, kissing me gently. I reacted, putting a hand on her cheek and pulling her closer to me, our lips working against each other. She tasted like mint. It went on longer than it had to — her character was supposed to pull away, but Ava didn’t. Finally, I stopped it.

“Whew,” Ava said breathlessly, her cheeks pink and chest heaving. “That felt good, right?”

I was half hard and I tried to secretly adjust my cock.

“Yeah,” I said. “You’re –” I almost said “You’re a good kisser,” but I stopped myself. “I think we’ll do great in the audition.”

We were finally called into the audition room. Behind a folding table sat David, the theater director, and a few of his assistants. We said hi, chatted quickly, and then got into the scene. Ava and I were playing secret lovers in an early 1800s manor. I was the stable boy and she was the Lady of the manor, whose husband was unfaithful. In the scene, I approached her for the first time, professing my love and begging her to kiss me.

When it came time, Ava pressed herself to me with a little less passion than when it had just been us alone, but the kiss was still electric. She pulled back at just the right time, her character berating mine for showing such rough manners. But I could tell by her rosy cheeks that the second kiss affected her just as much as the first.

After we finished the scene and went back into the hallway, Ally came up to us.

“How’d it go?”

“It went perfectly,” Ava said, punching me lightly in the arm. “Once James got around his hesitation to fully kiss me.”

Ally made a face. “The less I have to think about it, the better.”

“Your scene went well, too?” Ava asked sweetly, changing the subject.

“Sure did.”

“Then may the best sister win.”


“That little bitch,” Ally fumed, staring angrily at the cast list. She had run ahead and gotten to it before I got a chance to look. “She took my fucking lead role.”

My stomach clenched. If Ava was the female lead, then…

“God damn it.”

“What?” Ally looked down the list. Her eyes widened even further. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

I had landed the male lead. Ava and I would be making out and simulating sex onstage for the next several months. I can’t say I didn’t feel any excitement at the prospect, but as Ally’s loving boyfriend, I had to share her frustration.

“We can ask David to switch us up,” I said.

“He’ll never do that! His casting decisions are always final, you know that! The only way he’ll switch it up is if Ava agrees to it.”

Right on cue, I saw Ava’s golden curls coming down the hallway towards us. Ally hurried up to her.

“You can’t take the lead role,” Ally said. “It’s you and James.”

Ava took in this news and smiled at me. “I’m happy that David made the right choice.”

“Ava, I’m a senior and you’re a freshman. This is my last chance at the lead before graduating.”

“I’m sorry,” Ava shrugged, innocently. “I don’t know what you expect me to do. If this is about James, then I promise he loves you enough that kissing me a few times a night won’t change that.”

“It’s not just about that,” Ally said. “This was my theater program, not yours.”

“WAS your theater program,” Ava said.

With a roar, Ally jumped at Ava, and the two girls fell to the floor, clawing and pushing at each other. I watched them get tangled up with each other, then realized I should probably step in. I pulled Ally off of Ava.

“Hey, whoa, calm down.”

“You’re such a bitch,” Ally snarled at Ava.

Ava dusted herself off and got up. “Fine, big sis. You want me to give you the lead role? Come walk with me. I have an idea for a wager.”

Ally frowned, trying to tell if Ava was serious.

“Fine,” she said, hesitant. “But this better be good.”

“Oh, it’ll be VERY good,” Ava said with a look at me. “Now come. Time for some sister talk.”

I watched the two sisters walk away, deep in conversation. Ava glanced back in my direction, and I couldn’t help but wonder whether this wager involved me.


A few days passed. Rehearsals began in earnest, but David kept stopping Ava and me midway through our scenes together.

“I don’t believe the passion,” he snapped. “You two touch each other like two virgins on prom night. It’s robotic, not sexy.”

Ava flushed with embarrassment. The rest of the orhanlı escort rehearsal she was withdrawn, not willing to look me in the eye. We went through our scenes, but if anything she was colder and more mechanical than before.

After rehearsal, I pulled her aside in the hallway. “Are you doing okay?”

“I’m fine,” Ava said.

“Don’t worry about what David said. He thinks you have to be mean to get the best performances out of people.”

“Maybe he’s right, though. I do touch you like a virgin.” She looked around, making sure no one could hear. “Because I don’t know anything about sex.”

I spotted an empty classroom down the hall and pulled Ava into it. She looked like she was about to cry. I put my hands on her shoulders.

“You’re doing a great job, you’re a great actress, and you don’t need real-life experience to get into the role. We’ll both figure it out, it’s only the first week of rehearsals.”

“What if I can’t figure it out?”

“You will.”

Ava nodded, sniffling. She smiled shyly. “Plus, I’ve got you to teach me.”

“What do you mean?”

“You obviously know a lot about sex and everything,” Ava said, embarrassed. “I can hear you and my sister sometimes.”

I didn’t know how to feel about that. Ava flushed.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t listen, I know, but… it’s sexy to hear how much you love each other’s bodies. I’ve never… done it, so I don’t know.”

“Yeah, Ally said as much.”

There was a charged pause. Glancing down, I could see Ava’s nipples through her shirt. Did she never wear a bra around me? Was that on purpose? My cock was quickly getting hard.

“David said we really needed to commit to the role,” Ava said. “That includes the romance of it, right? The characters are supposed to feel each other up.”

“Yeah, but…”

“But what? So you’re dating my sister, who cares? We have a play to do. She understand that the show must go on.”

Ava took my hand in her small one, then guided me to her breast. As I felt the soft, firm flesh of her tits beneath her sweater, I realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could feel her nipple hardening under my touch. Her breasts were unbelievably shapely even without a bra, standing perfectly from Ava’s chest. I let out a breath, impressed. Ava smiled.

“What do you think?”

“They’re… amazing.”

“Not too big? I know Ally’s are more petite.”

“You two have some of the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen,” I said truthfully.

Ava smiled. “It must run in the family.”

“You’ve never been told what incredible breasts you have?”

“You’re the first one to get an up-close view. I’ve never even had a boyfriend,” she admitted. “I’ve been too busy with theater.”

“Wow.” I realized I was still cupping her breast and quickly took my hand away, embarrassed. She laughed that same cute laugh.

“You can touch them all you want,” she said. “It feels nice.”

I wanted to keep feeling her up. What guy would say no, in my position? But I cleared my throat and took a step back.

“We should get to practicing,” I said. “We’ll have to have something to show for today.”

Then Ava said something I’ll never forget.

“Sometimes I touch myself to the sound of you two,” Ava said, quiet. “Right at the end, when she’s begging you to cum inside her, that’s my favorite.”

My mouth was dry. “You touch yourself to the sound of us?”

“My sister must have a really amazing pussy, if she can get you to cum inside her so much.”

A picture of it sprang to my mind: two plump outer lips that sealed tightly, with the inner lips only visible when she spread her legs. A fuzzy dusting of light blonde hair. Maybe a drop of my cum oozing from her. Ally’s small nipples, twin peaks further up her lithe body.

“Wow, you’re hard.” Ava was staring directly at my cock.


She reached out her small hand to feel me. I inhaled sharply, taking her hand.

“Don’t, Ava.”

“Ally won’t know.”

“I’ll know.”

“You’re just helping me. I need to practice being sexual for the role.”

I stared at her. Was she serious? What was she even proposing?

She took my hand and guided it under her dress. As she used her other hand to pull aside her panties, my hand came in contact with a wet, shaven pussy. I ran my middle finger up her hot slit, making her moan. Then I pulled my hand away, realizing what I was doing.

“Wait, Ava…”

“Yeah. Let me do you.”

She unbuckled my belt and undid the button of my trousers, maintaining eye contact with me. Before I knew it she was on her knees, pulling down my pants. I wish I could say that I pushed her away, but I was horny enough to let it continue without protest. I wanted her badly enough to invite whatever catastrophe lay down the road.

Ava took out my cock, which was harder than I remember it ever being.

“Wow,” she said with awe. “I guess I didn’t expect it to be so big.”

She gave it a squeeze, then stroked it. I throbbed in her hand.

“I’ve never touched one before.”

“You tepeören escort don’t have to –“

Ava sank her mouth onto my cock. The sudden warmth and wetness was heavenly. Her tongue swirled around my shaft and she slid her lips back up until just the tip was in her mouth. I noticed that she was still wearing lipstick from rehearsal.

“Give me pointers,” she said, her words muffled around my dick.

“Don’t worry about that,” I replied. “Just explore. I’m probably not going to be able to last for long anyway.”

At this Ava smiled and eagerly set to sucking my cock. It seemed she took that as a challenge. She started slow, letting me feel the warmth and softness of her inexperienced mouth, then began to speed up. Sure enough, I felt the tingly beginnings of a climax. It was unsurprising; my girlfriend’s younger sister, a beautiful woman with a perfect mix of innocence and sexiness, was blowing me.

I swelled in her mouth, unable to hold back my orgasm for much longer. Her ruby red lips were stretched around my cock, working up and down ceaselessly. I watched my cock disappear into her mouth over and over.

“Ava, I’m getting close…”

In response, she just kept bobbing her warm, wet mouth on my dick, taking as much of me in her mouth as she could. She looked up at me, big green eyes that looked so innocent, right over a mouth full of cock, and I could hold back no longer.

“Ava, I’m going to cum…”

I had barely finished the sentence before my cock began to spurt cum into Ava’s waiting mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise but she kept on sucking me as I came. I shook, my hands going involuntarily to her head, trying to push deeper into her throat, filling her mouth with my semen. I rode out my climax between her full lips, cumming intensely until a small bit of my cum dripped out around my cock.

She looked up at me, slowing the up-and-down motion on my shaft, then swallowed her mouthful my cum. With her pinkie finger, she brought the one escaped drop of cum back to her mouth and swallowed that, too.

“Good?” Ava asked, breathing hard.

“Best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

Ava smiled and kept licking me. When I was sucked dry and she had completely cleaned off my cock, she took me out of her mouth and looked up at me.

“There you go. Nice and spotless for when you fuck my sister later.”

I didn’t know what to say. “Oh my god, Ava.”

Ava planted an adorable and sexy kiss on the tip of my cock, which shone with her spit.

“Now when I hear you tonight, I’ll know you’re thinking about cumming in my mouth when you finish in my sister.”


“It was a little awkward having to kiss,” I said to Ally at home. “But we got through it.”

Ally kissed me, long and deep. “Who’s the better kisser?”

In truth, my initial thought was Ava. She had certainly kissed my cock better than Ally did. Or maybe it was just the forbidden risk of it all. Either way, I wasn’t going to tell her anything about her younger sister’s skill in the romance department.

“You,” I said, sweeping her into my arms. She grinded into me, making me hard, and I walked her to the bed.

Later, as I fucked Ally’s tight, wet pussy, my thoughts kept being dragged back to Ava’s lips on me, her rosy, freckled cheeks stretching as I filled her mouth with my cum. When I groaned and emptied myself into Ally, I imagined it was Ava below me, her legs spread, soaking pussy stretched around my cock. I imagined driving hard into her tight young slit and filling her up.

When Ally moaned out for me to cum inside her, I knew Ava was somewhere close by, listening. And despite the fact that it was the second time that day, I came harder than usual.


The next weeks of rehearsal raced by. Ava and I were so busy with school and rehearsal that we didn’t get the opportunity to be alone together, but she’d hold my gaze just long enough to let me know she was still thinking about me and what we’d done. Our love scenes onstage became more realistic, to the delight of David. We were now kissing, pawing at each other, and fake dry humping with ease. I suppose it was hard to hold back romantically once she’d swallowed my cum.

My sex life with Ally improved drastically, wound up as I always was from pretending to fuck her little sister in rehearsal. I fucked Ally like an animal, filling her up several times a night, cumming inside her with reckless abandon.

“You should be quieter,” Ally panted to me one night as I withdrew my cock from her cum-filled pussy. “Ava’s in the other room, she must hear us sometimes.”

“You’re right,” I said. “Sorry.”

Ally reached down and caught some of my cum as it dripped out of her. She brought her fingers to her mouth, licking them off.

“You’ve been cumming more than usual,” she said.

I cuddled up to her from behind. “You’ve been sexier than usual.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, with a hint of skepticism in her voice. “Maybe.”


Before we knew it, the dress rehearsal had arrived. It was the day before the show, and everything had to go perfectly here, or it’d be a bad opening night. I murmured “Break a leg” to everyone I passed in the winding hallways backstage. Everyone had transformed from normal theater kids to 18th century nobles. It was a sight to behold.

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