Changes Ch. 01

Big Dick

Author’s note: Hey everyone. This story was actually written as a fun little side project years ago (around 2013). That also explains some of the somewhat outdated tech references ;). It’s currently over 100 pages, but we’ll see how far we take it. For now, we’ve decided to start publishing it in individual chapter form.

Please let us know if you like it, dislike it, or what you’d like to see more of. The first chapter doesn’t really contain a lot of sex – more implied and starting things out. This one is a bit of a slow burner, but when it gets going later, there’ll be plenty!

Thank you!

–Jasmine and Daniel


“She’ll be here soon — get down here!”

Adam grimaced but rose from his computer chair. A quick glance in the mirror. Meh. I look just fine. A t-shirt torn in three places and a fresh pair of jeans.

“Coming!” He called downstairs.

Part of him looked forward to seeing her — while part of him wished she wasn’t coming. It’s been almost five years since I saw her.

Aileen was his mother. A middle-aged woman, who despite her odd forty-two years still looked good, though any thought of his mother as anything except his mom of course weirded him out to no end.

“What – you couldn’t find a different shirt, dear?”

“It’s fine.” He rolled his eyes. “If she’s anything like last time, chances are she’ll wear torn stuff more than me, mom.”

Her mom shot him a dark look. “Jessica’s been trying to find herself. She’s not dirty — and her clothes are fine.”

“Mhm.” Find herself? Well, she hasn’t checked in the shower or the tub. His memories of his aunt was of a woman who more often than not smelled unwashed.

Though back then she was only 18.

“I mean it!” His mom said. “You better be nice. Jess hasn’t visited in what…five years, give or take? Yeah. Five now. And she’s seen so much! She could probably teach you a thing or two. Get you travelling a bit instead of spending your time at that idiot box.”

“Maybe she’d visit more if she was actually in the country. Where’s she come from this time?”

“Well…-” His mom began, then broke off when the sound of a car reaching the driveway interrupted her.

“Shit…” Adam grinned at his mom when she glared and opened the door.

A dirt-caked taxi had reached the house and a woman of small stature — little more than 5″2, lest he missed his guess — was already busy unpacking the vehicle on her own, leaving the driver with little more to do than stand and watch.

“Hey! Hey there, you two! My favorite people!” She balanced a large pack on her back and a black duffel bag that looked as though it had seen better days, with a tear in one corner from which the end of a white garment peeked.

“Jess!” His mom rushed down, taking the duffel against her sister’s protests and gesturing for him to come down.

“Comin'” He muttered and smiled tentatively at his aunt.

“Holy shit — look at you, Adam! Last time I saw you, you still wore that dorky piece-of-shit transformers shirt! Look at you now, all grown up.” A teasing smile played across full lips lacking any lipstick — or a face lacking any other trace of makeup for that matter. She was dusted with freckles, red-haired and natural.

Adam glanced down reluctantly. Shit. Maybe i should have worn a different shirt. He scrubbed his palm across the Transformers logo and cleared his throat.

“I’m kidding, dude! Don’t look so glum, you’re all grown up, for real! How are you, sissy?” Already she was hugging his mom who smiled at him over Jessica’s shoulder.

“I’m good. And you? You look all tan — should be careful with that. How was the Caribbean?”

“Heaven!” She sighed wistfully. “You should see the people! Martin and i sailed to Martinique, spent almost a whole month there!” She looked around at the bedraggled, rural house and shrugged, smiling. “Not that this is bad either.”

“I’m sure it’s exactly the same.” Mom said dryly and nodded toward the open door. “Let’s go inside, yeah? It’s baking out here and i’ve got some ice water ready.”

“Psh! This is nothing. Besides, hold on. I have something for you, Adam. Let’s see…” She put the large bag down and started rustling through it, finally pulling out a bracelet of seashells tied together with what seemed hand-spun…something. “There! Try it on! The Boho islanders wear theirs all year-round, I thought it’d look cool on you!”

Adam grimaced. A bracelet. Seashells? Jesus. He put it on and raised his arm, glancing up dubiously..

“Perfect!” His aunt grinned, showing white, nigh-perfect teeth.

She has a smile to drop a cow at twenty paces.

“So, what are you up to? Studying? Working? Watcha doing?”

“What, you don’t have Facebook?” he glanced down at her. He was at least two heads taller. Last time it was more equal. Somehow his height made it different.

Jessica snorted. “You know I don’t use that crap! Martin gave me that goddamn cell phone and Girne Escort I still can’t do more than call the four numbers in my list.”

“Right.” He closed the door behind her. “Sorry about that, b-t-w. Martin, I mean.”

A shadow of anger crossed her face but was gone quickly. “Whatever. It’s fine. I dare him to find someone else who’ll su-” She cut off and cleared her throat. “well, what I mean is…fuck that asshole, right?”

Mom stumbled and glared back at her sister.

Adam knuckled his mouth to hide a smile. “Right, right.”

“So what about chicks?” She punched his shoulder “Tell me! Who’re you dating these days? Still that blonde at school? The tall one with tits?”

“Dawn?” he raised one eyebrow. “Jeeze, we never dated. She was just a friend.”

“A friend you did homework for. Some friend, Adam.” quipped his mom from the door.

“Mom!” He glared at Aileen, who raised her hands defensively, a smile curving her lips.

“Really?” Jessica’s eyes sparkled. “What’d she give you for it, hm? You must’ve asked for something after all.”

“Jess. Please!” His mother’s voice was firm.

He decided to ignore her quip. “Since then…well…the last girl I dated was Kaylee, but…” He glanced at mom, who huffed.

“What? What happened with her?” Asked Jessica, looking from one to the other.

“Oh…nothing.” His mom said.

Adam glared at her. She didn’t have to do that. Thanks to that time, no chick will even look at me!

“Adam?” Jess demanded. “What?”

“It’s…well…” Well, fuck it. She did do it after all. He glanced at her. And it’s over a year ago. He took a deep breath. “Mom chased Kaylee out with a broom.”

“What?! You’re fucking with me!” Jess stared from him to Aileen, his mother, who crossed her arms and blushed faintly. “Lee!”

“Oh, don’t ‘Lee’ me, Jess!” Faint spots of red decorated his mother’s cheeks. “I won’t have my son dating some…some…some..”

“Some what?” His aunt raised an eyebrow.

“Some piece of trailer trash! Kaylee lives in that hellhole, what’s it called? Cornflower Estates? I don’t know what you saw in that girl. She was loud-mouthed, not to mention rude — for Pete’s sake, Adam – she called you an idiot!-“

“She was kidding.” Adam, broke in, glaring.

“-And she dressed like that…that…thing from that TV-show. What’s the name? Hazzard?”

“The Dukes of Hazzard?” Jessica grinned suddenly. “You dated some Daisy Duke-look-alike-chick? Oh, come on, Lee!”

“She wasn’t that.” Adam said. “She just…well, some of her clothes were similar. Sometimes at least. Mom just…well overreacted.”

“I bet.” Jessica breathed. “How could you! Aw, Adam, poor guy.” She hugged him tightly.

His mom snorted. “I won’t have my only son marrying some piece of…of…trailer trash.”

“Marrying?” His aunt was the one to snort in laughter. “I don’t think Adam’s ultimate love interest will be some girl who can’t even add two and two. But that don’t mean he can’t have some fun, does it?”

“Yeah…not all of us can gallivant around the world, traipsing from sailboat to sailboat, Jess. Some of us have to be more serious. And careful about who we associate with. That girl? No way!” That last part with a meaning stare for him.

Adam rolled his eyes.

Not a single girl has given me a second look since that time.

Kaylee had spread the tale of Adam Baker and his psycho-mom’ across the high school within a day. Every girl was giving him giggles and looks — just not for the right reasons.

Jessica rolled her eyes. “Well, now that I’m here we can see how we can fix that, can’t we? Tomorrow you and I are going to town, Adam. You’ll take me where the other kids go.”

“Oh hell no, you won’t!” His mother glared. “I remember your evenings at The Outpost. Hell no, you’re not taking my son there, Jess!”

“What, that isn’t shut down? We should go there!”

Adam swallowed. The Outpost was the town’s dive bar — few but youths from what his mom had dubbed ‘trailer trash’ ventured there. “S…Sure!”

Mom rolled her eyes, obvious in not taking what he — or her sister — said seriously. “Come on, Jess. I’ll show you to your room.”

“You think I need help finding my old room?”

“Well, it’s my house now, remember? It looks different then when you were last here.”

I’ll say. Adam looked forward to his aunt seeing her old room. His mother had turned it into what she’d called her “hobby space”. The small, square area was lined with shelves with glue, dried flowers, papers, sewing supplies and whatever his mom spent her free time doing. She was good at finding things to do, his mom was.

Jess looked dubious when his mother shooed her upstairs.

It was then that he realized she’d not smelled bad at all. He frowned. She did smell. The travel through Texas heat had certainly made her perspire. Maybe it was her perfume. She smelled only faintly of something flowery, but most Magosa Escort of it was a smell which he associated with her, and not one of perfume.


He glanced up the stairs. Already he could hear his aunt and mom arguing, though they were muffled by the door they’d closed. It was one of the reasons why his aunt rarely visited them. Things were fine between her and his mother – for the first three minutes.

After that, a lifetime of differences and wildly varying attitudes took over and they started a non-stop series of fights that would last until his mother fled and left her sister in peace, or until Jessica buckled and left town, returning to whatever man she was with at the time.

Except…this time there is no man. And she’s staying indefinitely. At least if she’s to believed.

Adam shuddered.

A muffled ‘Fuck you!’ came from upstairs and a door opened — and promptly smashed closed again.

His mother descended the stairs, a smile on her lips.

“I heard, mom.” He sighed.

The smile slid off her lips like water from a windshield. “I’m…sorry about that….Sisters fight, you know.” She added the last part belatedly.

He shrugged. “T’sokay, mom. But you know…i told you so.”

His Mom sighed. “She’s my sister, Adam. I’ll help her whenever I can.”

Adam inclined his head. He’d had this argument too many times to have it again — to want to have it again. “What’s for dinner?” Food, the cooking of it or even simply talking of it always put his mother in a much better mood.

“Pot roast.” She glowed. “With baby potatoes and peas.”

Jessica’s favorite. No one could accuse his mother of not trying to mend fences.

He returned to his room for the rest of the afternoon. It was where he was when his aunt came in, his mom’s too-big bathrobe tied at the waist and toweling her hair dry with a pink, fluffy towel decorated with small, embroidered flowers.

“Can you believe this fuckin’ thing, Adam?” She stopped scrubbing her hair and held the towel with two fingers, as though she was holding an oily rag. “Don’t get me wrong, i can be pretty girly.” She shook her hair as if to illustrate, red curls swinging. “But this is just…totally gay. What’s your mom thinking? Trying to make this house fucking dick-repellant, or what?”

Adam covered his laugh with a small cough and looked away. She says what’s on her mind, regardless of what it is. He admired that about her. What he didn’t admire was her talent of pissing his mother off with every second syllable coming out of her mouth.

“Anything you need?”

“Yeah. Conditioner.” She looked around. “You got any?”

“Sorry – Mom doesn’t use any, don’t think we have any at home.”

“Damnit!” Said Jessica. “I forgot to grab my bottle when I scrammed.”

He shrugged and turned back to his computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he typed the next line of code.

“Oh well.” A sigh. “Watcha up to? Why aren’t you outside? It’s great weather, and you could use more color.”

He heard her cross the floor and looked back. She stood by his chair, glancing at the screen.

“Watcha doing there?” She repeated.

“Programming. Working.”

“What do you do?”

“Homepages. For businesses, some NPO’s, stuff like that. Easy stuff mostly.”

She pursed her lips. “Cool. But aren’t you a bit young to be working?”

What – you mean like you? “Not like I have anything better to do, is it?”

“Well, now you do!” She grinned. “Come out and sit on the terrace with me. Keep me some company!”

He raised an eyebrow.

“It’ll be fun!” She pulled at his arm. “I hardly ever get to see you, and it’s been years. I want to hear what you’ve been up to! Come on!”

“You want to hear about my mom chasing Kaylee with a broom.” He corrected her.

A too-innocent smile appeared on her lips. “Me?” A gay little laugh. “Fine, fine – you have to admit, it’s a pretty funny picture, Adam! Oh man. Kinda classic, if you’d been a girl and she a guy with a parent chasing them with a broom.” She pulled slim fingers through her fiery hair. “Or a shotgun.” She added with a grin.

He sighed and looked back. His heart skipped a beat when he saw what she wore underneath.

The swimsuit was decent enough in terms of pure coverage — it hid her breasts and bikini line well. Perhaps it was the fact that it was tied together with loose knots that seemed about to come apart at every movement, or perhaps it was the fact that the pieces of fabric were barely opaque, hinting at the full mounds and pubic region that lay beneath.

She noticed his look and grinned. “Like it? One of the things I’m glad I brought.”

“I..” he cleared his throat. “Yeah. It’s nice.”

“So what’s it gonna be?” She took a step forward, tapping with a finger on his keyboard and the spacebar on his keyboard.

“Fine, fine.” He sighed. She won’t give up til she gets what she wants. Besides, it Kıbrıs Escort is nice outside. He grabbed a book from the bookshelf and followed his aunt downstairs.

The terrace was warm and sunny and they sat on white, plastic sun loungers. He read and his aunt, wearing her two-piece and sunglasses, reclined while seeming oblivious to the world. He liked fantasy books, and ‘The Way of Kings’ held his attention well.

“So” his aunt suddenly spoke, turning her head and lowering her sunglasses over the bridge of her slim nose. “You and girls, not going that great, huh?”

He shrugged. “I’m not a reject or nothing. It’s just…”

“Lee, yeah. She can be a biiit overprotective.”

“It’s not like Kaylee was a scholarship student or anything. I didn’t care — I just wanted…you know…”

“Blowjobs?” Jessica finished with a grin, lowering her glasses down the bridge of her nose.

“Contact. A girlfriend!” He corrected, feeling himself blush.

“So – what – you don’t want blowjobs?” quipped Jessica.

“I…well, of course! But that doesn’t just…happen. You have to put in time, show a girl that you care. That you love her. That you want to be with her. That you…what?”

Jessica looked as though he’d grown a second head. “You really think that? Seriously?”

He nodded slowly. Well, not all of it exactly. But most of it!

“Jesus.” His aunt ran a hand through her curly hair. “I…look, Adam. No. That’s not how it works. I mean…maybe? In like, high school? But not in the real world. Look here, darling. People do things because they want to. You just need to find the right girl, right? This Kaylee — she want to be in your room? Alone? With your mom gone?”

“Mhm.” That was what had happened that day — except his mom had been home, and entered the room with the expression of a judge passing sentence — a death sentence at that.

Jessica shrugged. “She probably wanted to, you know, do stuff. Blow you. Maybe even fuck you, depending. She sounds like that kind of girl.”

Adam cleared his throat. Shit. My face must be ready to burn off.

“What?” She grinned, seeming amused at his embarrassment. “Oh, come on. What’s her rep at school? Can’t tell me she’s a saint, Adam. Lee wouldn’t throw a saint out the door — look at me!”

“Nah…people say she’s…nice.” Jerry and Malik told me she’d get down on her knees on her first date. He was ashamed — a little — that it had been part of the reason for his decision of going out with her.

“Nice, huh.” Jess snorted. “That’s a new word for it.” She stretched, pushing out her chest towards the sun. “Alright, kiddo…there isn’t much I can help you with. That programming and stuff? Hell no. Can’t help you with homework, I was always a straight C or D-student. But girls…I know girls. I can help you there. If you’d like me to.”

“So you know girls, huh?” He decided to tease her back, emphasizing the question in just the right way.

Far from embarrassed, his aunt…chortled. “Yes, Adam. I know girls — I’ve slept with girls too. What, didn’t expect that, hm?” She looked amused.

Mom’s right. She has no shame at all. He picked up his book, but found it impossible to focus.

“Want me to help? With girls, mean? I totally could…if you want me to.” She grinned.

Adam sighed. “Everyone in town knows what happened, Aunt Jess. Like, everyone. There’s not a single girl who’d be interested in me after what happened.”

“Hah! – oh Adam. No, no no.” She shook her head. “That’s not how it works. You’re in freakin’ high school, sweetheart. You really think anyone outside of high school knows about anything that goes on? Like, really? Come on!”

“People have parents and brothers. And sisters.” he said.

“Tell you what.” She countered “I’ll take you out tonight, and you will go with me. We’ll visit someplace awesome and you’ll see that I’m right.” Jessica grimaced. “Jeeze, It is hot, isn’t it? I don’t want to get tan lines. You mind?” Her hands went to the sides of her two-piece.

“What are you doing! Are you nuts? Don’t – mom’ll have a fit!”

“Psh.” She replied, letting the fabric drop and revealing two full breasts tipped with pink nipples. “Don’t be a friggin’ goose. It’s not like you haven’t seen tits before, right? You watch porn, don’t you?”

Adam looked away for a moment or two before relenting with a sigh. Mom will have a fit. But his aunt was nice to look at. Very nice. Most porn stars he liked didn’t have as nice a pair of breasts as his aunt, though it was the first time he’d seen them for more than a quick flash.

He swallowed.

His aunt, one eye closed, looked at him with the other eye opened to a small slit. Her lips curved into a grin. “Like what you see, darlin’?”

Her nickname for him made him blush. “You’re my aunt.” He said and shrugged.

“So? Don’t mean you can’t look. If you like to look.” She stretched, and what that did to her chest was spectacular enough.

Adam didn’t reply and Jessica fell silent, both of her eyes closed. Her even breathing and relaxed smile, she soon seemed to be asleep. He went back to his book, managing to enjoy as much as half a chapter before his eyes were inevitably drawn back to her exposed chest. Good thing mom isn’t out and about.

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