My Sister’s Hot Ass Ch. 03


I finally awoke the next day in a daze. The remnants of last night’s little “situation” remained on the crusty sheets of my bed. Ugh. I’d deal with it later. I looked over at my shoulder and saw that Kyla was nowhere to be found. Oh man, I hope she was okay with last night otherwise this would be really fucking awkward.

I yawned and stretched for the ceiling as I climbed out of bed, stepping my way to the mid-morning sun. Nice and warm. Thoughts began to flood my brain as I did my morning routine. I came on my sister’s ass last night. She really made me cum. My own big sister gave me an assjob. Wow.

What was I gonna say to her?? “Hey, Sis thanks for the jagoff back there! Really needed it!” Ugh. This was a mess, and not just the jizz stain on these boxers.

I slipped on some clean boxers and made my way down the hall and downstairs, the sound of morning cartoons wavering through the house. Kyla was lounging lazily on the couch, scrolling on her phone.

I tried to tiptoe past her into the kitchen, carefully watching her. She looked up from her phone and caught sight of me, our eyes made contact for a split second before looking away quickly.

I didn’t say a word as she feigned interest in changing the channels. A few seconds of silence lingered before she spoke.


“Yeah… so…” I awkwardly echoed.

“Last night was… interesting.”

“Yeah,” I coughed, “interesting.” I shifted uncomfortably against the kitchen counter before I talked again, I need to say something. “Thanks for the… ahem… relief, back there.”

She took a moment before she grinned. “Yeah, of course!” Kyla got up and made her way over to the stove. She was wearing a pair of boyshorts that hugged her waist nicely in the morning sun. I once again was fixated on her ass again as she walked by. Man. My dick was just between there a few hours ago.

She rotated the knob on the stove and grabbed a spatula. She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

“Ya hungry?”


I think I might have severely underestimated Kyla’s cooking abilities because she really knocked it out of the park. A table with plates full of crispy bacon, poached eggs, and blueberry muffins lay ahead of me. Or at least it did, as it didn’t last long against both of our hungry stomachs.

I laid back in the chair, patting my stomach like a big ol’ panda. “That was fucking amazing, Sis. Where’d you learn to cook like that?”

“Oh, ya know, culinary arts. I told you that you should’ve taken that class. That way you’d be able to cook for yourself dummy.” She teased.

“I can cook for myself!” I retorted. “I make some pretty mean ramen noodles, alright? Besides, why learn to cook when I have a perfectly capable, hot girl to make it for me?” I joked.

“I don’t know, cuz it’s the 2020’s and I shouldn’t have to cook for men at this point?” she rolled her eyes and smiled. “Be progressive thinking, brochacho.” She shot finger guns at me.

I laughed at her joke heartily. “Whatever you say, Sis.”

She stood up and arched her back.

“Woof. All this hard work in the kitchen made me tired!” she shoved her dirty plate onto mine. I looked up at her and she cheerfully raised an eyebrow, “You do the dishes!”

“Whattt, whyyy?”

“Cuz I made you a whole ass breakfast ya ungrateful bastard.” Kyla gestured to the sink. “Get to it.”

“Psh, no thanks.” I laughed and stood up, starting to make my way back to the living room.

“Hey! Where you going??”

“The living room. I’m not doing that.”

She huffed and crossed her arms angrily. I could sense her brain thinking furiously as I flipped through the channels of tv.

“Oh, Jaaaaack.” She said in a sultry voice.

“What,” I replied without looking.

“If you do the dishes for me, I’ll let you have some of thisss.” She sang.

“Some of wha?” I looked over and saw a sexy little sight. Kyla bent over on the kitchen counter, her boyshorts pulled down just enough for me to see the roundness of her asscheeks hang over the waistband. Her cheeks were jiggling up and down as her back arched and accentuated her form.

I needed to get myself some of that. (Again.)

“Wanna rub me up again Jackie?” she pouted. “I think ya do” she winked. “If you wash all those dishes for me, maybe I’ll give you some of this ass for your widdle dingy.”

She slapped her ass, sounding crisp and sharp. My boxers stirred. I sighed longingly. She knew what I wanted. And she knew exactly how to get me to work for it.

I almost half crawled over to the counter. I reached for her ass and she quickly pulled up her shorts and backed up.

“Ah-ah-ahhh” she waved her finger. “First you wash the dishes. Then you get some of this.”

I groaned frustratedly, flopping my way over to the sink. “Fine…” I pouted.

Kyla giggled. “That’s a good boy Jackie! I’ll come by to check your progress in a bit! Stay focused.” In a flash, she pulled her shorts down again, jiggled her ass, then pulled them up and skipped off down the hall, her la-la-la’s Escort echoing through the house.

I stared at the wall for a second. Welp. Dishes time.


After a solid 40 minutes worth of washing dirty pots and pans in the tiny kitchen sink, the line of dishes finally came to an end. I’m sure I would have gotten done much earlier had Kyla not insisted that I put them away too after she discovered that I had finished so quickly.

But at last, the final fork was put into the silverware drawer.

Ugh. My hands were still pruny, and I was sweaty from rushing around. At least it was finally over with. I went over to the living room and fell face-down onto the couch, exhausted. I groaned and sat up, starting my journey through the channels once again.

Kyla came out of her bedroom and skipped into the kitchen again. “My-my little bro! You’ve quite outdone yourself this time.” she golf-clapped. “I suppose it’s time for your reward.” She said.

“Agh, finally.” I sighed.

She giggled and walked over to me. I reached up to pinch her ass and she slapped my hand away. “Tsk tsk, naughty boy. No touchy-touchy from you from here on out. Got it?” she said sternly. I tilted my head and glared at her in exasperation. “Whatever.”

“Good!” she chirped. And with that, she turned her body and aligned herself in front of me, her backside facing me. Those asscheeks were just mere inches away from my face, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Slowly, she lowered her butt into my lap. I watched as the boyshorts stretched under the volume of her tender glutes. Finally, she sat down on my lap.

She looked back at me and smiled innocently. “Is this seat taken?”

All I could do was watch helplessly as her ass scooted backward into my crotch. My dick was already standing erect at attention, eagerly awaiting her. “Oop!” she feigned a surprised tone. “Looks like it is already taken! There must be someone back there” she giggled.

“You could say that” I groaned.

Her butt started to grind in a circle in my lap, massaging my dick through my boxers. The tv continued to play quietly in the background as my sister gave me an assjob.

I held my arms on the head of the couch, reaching down to grasp for her hips. Once again, my attempts were met by a quick slap on the wrists. “No-no little bro, no touchy” she replied as she continued her assault on my cock.

She looked back. “Although” she teased. “He does look a little strained in there, don’t ya think?”

I nodded powerlessly.

“I think so too, let’s loosen him up a little bit!”

I felt her hands reach backward to my waistband. I lifted my hips and she swiftly pulled them down for me. My cock boinged free of its cage. I immediately felt the sensation of soft cloth on my dick. I moaned in pleasure. Kyla looked back at me and smirked. “You like it don’t ya?”

I nodded again, feeling the soft cloth hug around my cock and stroke me closer to cumming. I could feel warmth travel up and down my dick as Kyla increased her grinding efforts. Her hips twerked up and down, straining the fabric with every movement.

“Goddamn sis, you twerk well.” I struggled. “Could be a stripper with that ass and grind technique if you wanted.”

“Eh, I’ve thought about it,” she breathed. “Not my thing! I mean who would wanna lapdance for a man with a Hawaiian shirt and a Rolex.”

I laughed through my breaths. “With an ass like this–” I quickly pulled down her shorts, freeing her glorious buttocks, “you could be making Rolexes worth of money.”

This time I was not met with a slap on the hands, but a playful, breathy laugh. I groaned even louder as my dick once again found its home in Kyla’s warm asscheeks.

My dick leaked precum once again, and I was close. “Don’t stop, Sis…” I groaned weakly as my cock slid back and forth through her juicy ass.

“I don’t plan to,” she smirked devilishly. She sped up her efforts tenfold and I felt my cock reach enlightenment as the cum came rushing up my dick.

I took one last look at Kyla’s ass bouncing before finally I shot my load everywhere. I felt my balls drain and an electric feeling shoot up my nerves as I emptied. Fuckkkk. That was amazing.

I groaned and lay back on the couch, bonking my head on the headrest as my body recoiled in ecstasy. Kyla stood up and wiped a bit of cum off her now red asscheeks. She studied it curiously for a bit before popping her finger in her mouth. She gulped. “Tasty! Hope there’s still more for me later.”

Kyla bounced and waddled off with her shorts around her ankles like a penguin as I tried to regain consciousness. Cute, I thought.

After I showered up and wiped scrubbed all the dried cum from my abdomen, I retreated back into my room to play some video games. The evening rest of the evening was relatively quiet, despite the loud gunshots from my video game reverberating throughout the walls of the house.

Once the sensation of having to go pee became too overwhelmingly large, I finally logged off my Escort Bayan game and hurried my way to the bathroom. I finished up my business quickly and flushed the toilet, passing by Kyla’s room on the way to mine.

I stopped by her doorway and watched her at her desk as she applied makeup. She was watching a beauty tutorial on her laptop, brushing her face as she caught sight of me. “Howsit going, lil bro?”

“Just a bit bored,” I replied honestly.

“Well go somewhere else and don’t bother me, why don’t ya?”

“Isn’t that your tenth layer of makeup?” I teased. “Maybe if you applied a few more the circus could hire you as a clown!”

“Oh shut up,” she replied unphased, continuing her brushstrokes under her eyes. “If you had any more hair on your balls then maybe they’d hire you as a monkey, too.”

My stomach growled. “Hey, I’m gettin kinda hungry…”

“I’m not cooking dinner, Monkey.” She said shortly. “And I’m getting kinda hungry too.”

“I don’t expect you to, ya wanna grab a bite to eat?”

She looked back at me. “Yeah! Let’s go!” she popped up cheerfully.

I followed her downstairs and out the door. We grabbed her keys and walked over to her car. “I’ll drive.” I offered.

“Good cuz wasn’t really planning to,” she snorted. She tossed me the keys and we climbed in. The car got running and soon we were making our way down the street as the sun hung low in the sky. I rolled down the windows and felt the cool evening breeze run through the car.

I looked over at Kyla as we sped down the highway, her head tilted back out the window, long blonde hair streaming in the wind. She was wearing a low-hanging black tank top and tight blue jeans. I admired her beautifully sculpted face gleaming in the golden hour for a second before I finally swerved to avoid a mailbox. We passed by tens of shops and motels before finally making it into town. The light of the golden arches of McDonald’s gleamed like a beacon in the evening sky. I cruised up to the drive-through and screeched to a halt as we avoided the car in front of us.

“Nice driving there, slick. We only almost hit twelve lampposts on the way here.”

“Not my fault. I need new glasses.” I held my arms up in defense.

“You have 20/20, Mom told me.” She laughed accusatively.

“Yeah, like 4 years ago maybe. I don’t know it’s been a while. Aaanyways, whatcha gonna want?”

“Let’s see.” She peered up at the menu ahead of us. “Just a cheeseburger and a

strawberry shake.”

The car in front of us pulled forward and slowly lead us to the speaker box. A nervous voice cracked over the speaker. “Welcome to McDonald’s, h-how can I help you?”

“Ummm, yeah I’ll take three chicken sandwiches, a cheeseburger, a strawberry shake, and a lemonade.”

I waited a few moments. “Alrighty, anything else, sir?” the voice croaked.

“That’ll be it,” I replied.

“Twenty-seven ninety-nine at the window, thank you.”

I eased on the gas and the car lurched forward again. Kyla giggled, “He sounded nervous.”

“Fast food ain’t no joke.” I smiled.

Our car reached the window and the sliding glass rolled up. A pimply-faced high schooler with a headset greeted me. “That’ll be twenty-seven ninety-nine” he stuttered.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out four crumpled five’s and handed them to him. His shaking hands cautiously grabbed them and sifted through the money as he counted under his breath. “Look’s like you’re about eight dollars short.”

I patted down my pocket’s at my sides, looking for my wallet. “I know I took it with me, where is it?”

I continued my search for my wallet under my seat as Kyla rolled her eyes and sighed. “You’ll have to excuse my little brother, he’s a little slow.” She said through a sarcastic smile. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a five and some loose change. She leaned her body over mine to hand him the change, her boobs pressing against my chest. She smiled at him and handed him the change as he nervously grabbed the change.

Once again he counted quietly, “Thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three forty-four– you’re still a dollar fifty-five short.”

Kyla remained over me, a pondering look on her face. I looked over at her ass in those tight jeans. She looked good in this position.

“Still a dollar short huh? Will, this… change your mind?” Quickly pulled at the cleavage of her tank top and her perky tits popped out, one even landing on my chest. She beamed a charming smile as her tits hung freely.

The boy’s face turned bright red. He threw the remaining change in the register quickly and handed the meal to Kyla. “E-enjoy your m-meal!” his voice cracked through his sheepish grin. Kyla pulled up at her top and grabbed the meal.

“Thanks!” she sat back and I quickly pulled forward.

“What the hell was that??” I said stunned as I turned back onto the freeway.

“Negotiation.” Kyla giggled biting her lip.

“He can negotiate with my fist later yeah.” I ventured.

“Oh relax Bayan Escort Jack, these tits aren’t just for you she shook her head naughtily. “Besides, if ya ever wanna see them, all you gotta do is ask!” Once again she pulled her top down to flash me as I swerved the car again.

“I swear to God, Kyla…” I muttered.

“Hey, let’s eat this at the park. I wanna watch the sunset!” she smiled.

I pulled headed down the road and made a left up the hill to Oaktree Park. It looked deserted except for a few couples with dogs running back to their cars for the evening. I looked for a secluded spot in the trees before finally finding one atop the hill, away from everyone else.

I parked the car and eased my seat back as Kyla ruffled around the bag. I took a moment to admire the scenery. The skyline shone a brilliant golden brown over the miles of treetops across the valley. I could see a few housetops spew bits of smoke from their chimneys. The spot was nice and secluded. Perfect!

I looked over and watched as Kyla munched on her burger. She looked at me and gave me a thumbs up as she tried to catch the mustard from dripping on her pants. I sifted through the bag till I found my chicken sandwiches and immediately got to work.

After a while I had finally finished up my food, clapping the crumbs off my hands. Kyla sipped on her shake meekly as we watched the sun disappear over the horizon. “So pretty…”

“Not as pretty as you, my love.” I faked a Shakespearean accent. We laughed and sat there for a bit, enjoying the scenery.

“You think I’m pretty?” Kyla inquired solemnly.

“Yeah, of course, Sis. You’re fucking beautiful!” I reached over and gently caressed her cheek. She shifted and leaned against me.

“I appreciate it, Jackie,” she said. “Not so bad yourself either.”

I smiled for a second and shook my head to laugh after remembering the incident a few minutes ago. “I still can’t believe you flashed that poor kid.”

“Hey, I almost got us a free meal there. Next time, I’ll just get straight to the point and show em to avoid the whole dollar short thing.”

“You better not.” I looked at her sternly.

“Why’s that? You jealous, Jackie?” she grinned. “Can’t stand another man seeing my titties?”

“I… no…” I lied and looked away.

“Don’t want anyone else to see these?” I looked over and saw Kyla fondling her bare chest, her tank top hanging loose yet again. “C’monnn Jackkk. Ya know you want them.” She teased in a babying voice.

“Yeah so maybe I do,” I admitted, my mouth drooling a bit.

“Well, how about a front-row seat show for them?” Kyla placed her knees on the car seat and leaned forward, her chest dipping into my face.

“Don’t mind if I do,” I said before Kyla smothered her chest in my face. I quickly reached for her voluptuous mammaries, massaging them with my finger as I felt around for her nipples. Her breasts were soft and tender, not too big but just enough to fill your hands. I let my hands explore and trace around her chest, pressing my thumbs against her cute little nipples. Kyla moaned in response.

She wiggled her chest from side to side, causing me to motorboat her as her tits bounced against either side of my head. God. If I could just stay here in this moment forever.

I continued my circular motion on her beautiful breasts, in tune with the upward and downward motion that Kyla was making with every breath she took. I looked up at her, her head tilted back and her hair streaming backward as her breaths were strained. She looked back down at me for a second before noticing the tent I had pitched in my shorts.

“Ooo!” She licked her lips. “Is that for me?”

“It’s all yours, Ky.” I grinned. She leaned over me and kissed my neck heavily as I felt her unbuckle my belt. She continued working her way down my torso with her smooches before finally reaching my shorts. She unzipped them and quickly pulled down my waistband, my cock springing free.

“Awww, he looks a little pent up, don’t ya think?” she babied me, reaching a hand around the base of my dick.

I breathed sharply through my teeth. “Yeah. He might be.” I breathed.

“Well…” Kyla leaned down. “Let’s relieve him, of a little pressure.”

Without another sound Kyla popped my dick in her mouth, I groaned loudly in the car, the windows now rolled up. Hopefully, nobody would catch us. It was already darkening, it didn’t matter to me though. My attention was focused on my sister sucking my cock!

Kyla slowly lowered her mouth further, around 2/3 of my dick. She coughed a bit, gagging as she licked up and down my frenulum. I reached down as best I could to grab one of her breasts, trying to continue my booby assault. After no luck, I looked over at Kyla’s jeans while her head bobbed up and down on me. I rotated my torso a bit to angle myself better. I reached both hands over on either side of her jeans, edging down her waistband. I jerked forward and pulled down her jeans revealing some neon green panties that gave me a sexy outline of her waist.

I leaned back once again and enjoyed the feeling of her circling my dick with her tongue for a moment. Carefully I reached my hand under her tummy and made my way to her underwear. I crammed my hand into her panties.

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