The Awakening of Eileen


My Awakening

A few months ago I read in an agony column about a guy who enjoyed seeing other guys fondle his wife, who quite enjoyed it. I didn’t think at the time that I could feel the same.

I will turn 49 this year but as I am blonde with a reasonable figure people tell me I look much younger. Hubby and I always had a reasonable sex life until a few years ago just before he retired when it started to wane – he was always tired and would rather have had a few drinks and sleep. When he retired it was down the pub all the time and ‘brewers droop’.

Bill, retired when he was 50 and for his birthday earlier in the year ( his 51st ) I thought I would see if I could spice things up and although I was a little embarrassed about shopping for the gear – I purchased it online – I purchased a very short flared stretch miniskirt – just 14″ long and see through top. When he was out having a few celebratory drinks with his friends I got a nice meal ready and his present – me!

I am fairly curvaceous and I felt slightly ridiculous in my very short skirt, stockings, g string, suspenders and heels and see through top with tiny cupless bra. I also wore a lot more make up than normal.

The result was impressive – dinner was forgotten about and he almost overwhelmed me with his desire and we spent the rest of the night making love like we hadn’t for several years.

That weekend he suggested “staying in” rather than going out and once again fuelled by a couple of bottles of champagne sex was wonderful. Unfortunately I had a little too much to drink and when he said he would love to take me out in the gear I was flattered and agreed.

I was shocked when he announced mid week he was going to take me at my word and had booked for dinner in a restaurant slightly out of town and was looking forward to taking me out there in the gear. Rather reluctantly I agreed and spent a most uncomfortable night trying not to show acres of thigh above my stocking tops in the bar, seeing the waiter leer at my largely uncovered breasts in the restaurant and running the gauntlet of the rather ribald comments of a crowd of young guys in the bar when I went to the loo. Conversely hubby was thrilled with the whole experience and especially what he said were the number of young guys he had heard lusting after me.

He was even more rampant for sex that night – including mounting me at the car in the car park – and for the past few weeks we have gone out with me dressed in a similar fashion. I had rather got used to it and I have to admit even enjoyed seeing younger guys obvious interest both in terms of hearing their odd ribald comment to their mates about what they would like to do to me and seeing them looking at me with rather obvious desire. To be frank it also turned me on a bit and I was more responsive in my lovemaking so much so that when Bill muttered one night that he thought I was starting to really want as much cock as I could get, I murmured assent.

He must have taken this very literally because two weeks ago he told me he was going to invite some of his pub friends ( all male) over for a few drinks and asked me to dress up for them coming. Although he denied it, I thought he had obviously planned to take things a bit further forward than them simply looking at me.

I didn’t want to dampen his current enthusiasm for me but I didn’t want to be mauled or worse by his friends. So I sat him down sober to discuss it.

He said that since taking early retirement he had felt a bit past it and this had translated to his sex drive. He would always have loved to ask me to dress up for him but said he would never had the courage to do so. It was like a dream/fantasy come true for him when I did.

He also said he felt really proud to take me out and see other guys wanting me and he found that a real turn on.

He hadn’t thought of letting his mates fondle me or anything like that – simply to show them what a lucky guy he was – and to explain why he was spending more time at home and less down the pub!

It left me in a bit of a quandary – should I refuse and risk putting him off again or do it and risk an embarrassing situation?

Initially I had thought he was wanting to take things to a different level but he was very convincing that he was just proud of my new look and argued that if I was happy going out in quite revealing dress why I couldn’t wear something just a little risque in front of his friends

During last week he pressurised me again and I worked out a compromise with him and re-emphasised ( strongly) that I was not up for anything with his mates other than them looking at me but if the circumstances were right I would dress up for him.

On Saturday night he invited me to go down the pub for a darts final. I dressed fairly modestly in tight trousers with a slightly low cut top. The team won and the pub owner opened quite a few bottles to celebrate. I had enough to drink to say I didn’t mind when hubby, Bycasino Bill, invited three of the team back for sandwiches and a few beers.

They were in the basement playing pool and drinking beer when I brought the sandwiches down and when one of them, Peter, a young guy in his 20s paid me a compliment. Rob, the eldest of them, smiled. He said. “Bill has been raving about your new gear for weeks and we’ve all been dying to see you in it. Will you not put us out of our misery and let us see you in it?”

I had just enough to drink to allow them to persuade me to show them what hubby ” had been raving about for weeks” and I was certainly flattered by what seemed the genuine “wows” when I came down the stairs braless in semi sheer top, stockings and short skirt to serve some more drinks. When I was going back up the stairs to get more sandwiches I heard the oldest of the three Rob, a married guy in his mid forties, say to Bill. “You’re a very lucky guy to have a woman with such a fantastic body – what I wouldn’t give to get my hands on those tits and that ass.”

When I came back down I was initially slightly mortified but also slightly flattered to hear them discussing my tits and rear. But as the drink flowed I relaxed and it was rather fun to feel “one of the guys” and join one of the young guys in a team to play against the other two while hubby went to get more drinks.

Although I was getting rather drunk , I realised that they were setting me up for longer shots in order that I bend over the table. And I knew that when I did my thighs and probably my rear was exposed but I thought it was a bit of harmless fun so long as they were just looking. Also it did feel dangerously exciting to see the obvious interest that two younger unmarried guys ( Peter and David) in their mid twenties and Rob, a fairly massive guy, had in me.

However when hubby was on his second drinks run and I had just pulled off a very long shot my partner Peter patted me on the rear in congratulations. I joked with him that he appeared more interested in my rear than what was on the table. I was surprised and in spite of being slightly drunk I think I blushed when Rob said that they were all very interested in my body and not just my ass. I said. “Don’t be silly I’m an old married woman and you’ve known me for years.” He bent down and kissed me and said they had always thought me very attractive but hadn’t realised I still had such a fantastic body. When I tried to pull away telling him not to be so silly, he told me that Bill had been telling them about how well I looked when I was dressed in my new gear and they all had been dying to see me in it.

When I rather teasingly asked if it was I up to their expectations, he smiled and said. “Let us show you.”

Before I knew it I was enveloped by the three of them and rather powerless to resist as three sets of hands were everywhere. I heard Rob say. “Get her up on the table lads.” My protestations were completely ignored as I felt myself being lifted on to the table with my skirt pushed up round my waist. I remember thinking that hubby had obviously given them the “green light” for this.

As Peter started to snog me and fondle my breasts, I felt one of the others’ hands push my legs apart and push my g string to the side. When he saw the size of my rather prominent shaved pussy mound, I heard him say. “Fucking hell you should see the size of the box on her – its going to take some filling.” And I heard Rob reply. “I’ll see what I can do.”

I remember thinking I wonder is Rob built in proportion before I felt the head of what felt like a large baton start to enter my vagina. As I moved slightly to make myself more comfortable the guys obviously thought it was to facilitate entry because I heard David say. “Bloody hell, Bill was right she’s really gagging for it.” My moan when he rammed the huge cock home may have reinforced this view because he pushed David aside and tried to feed me cock. As Rob pounded my pussy with his huge rod David rammed his deep in my throat while Peter pulled my boobs out of my top.

In spite of not being totally up for it initially, my body started to respond to Rob’s persistent thrusts and I was soon writhing in my first orgasm impaled on the end of his massive cock. This stimulated David into an absolute frenzy and shortly before Rob and I both climaxed (me for the second time) I felt him spurt copious quantities of semen over my face.

As Rob dismounted and I lay back, slightly sated, I thought I must look an absolute slut with my legs open and my tits exposed. Peter was about to mount me when I heard Rob say. “Turn her over – I’d love to see that ass and she’s easier roasted like that.”

Once again I felt like a toy doll as they pulled me down from the table and Rob pushed my head down to his by now long and dangling flaccid cock while I felt Peter grab my hips and mount me doggy fashion. With both thrusting at me either end I now realised Bycasino giriş what the term “roasting” meant – stuffed full at both ends. Peter because of his youth and probably because he was made to wait didn’t last long and I felt the hot flush of his young seed in me.

I was having difficulty taking Rob’s full length in my mouth but it obviously please him enough to stimulate him to almost his full length again. I was prepared to finish him off like that but he pulled out and said. “Put her over the table I been wanting to fuck that big ass all night.”

At this I did protest because I don’t do anal sex – Bill had tried on a couple of occasions but when it had hurt hadn’t persisted. However my protests were ignored and the two younger guys bent me over the table with my ass in the air.

Rob rather roughly parted my hips and obviously licked a large digit before inserting it in my rather virgin rear and pronounced it “nice and tight.” I realised I was going to be buggered whether I liked it or not when I heard him say. “I promised old Bill I would open her up for him.”

Lubricating his rod with the semen seeping from my pussy I felt him rather roughly enter the head of his massive rod in my sphincter. When I asked him to take it easy he muttered to stop being silly, he had always thought I was well built for butt fucking and couldn’t believe Bill wasn’t making better use of a fantastic asset. The discomfort of his entrance was nothing to the pain when he rammed part of his monster into my bowels and when I screamed he rammed the full length home. I was sure I would be ripped open and I came back up off the table only to be pushed down by the two young guys in order that he could have easier access. I endured about five minutes of rough pounding before I felt the blessed relief of his ejaculate deep in my bowels.

As I fell forward sobbing I felt a large slap on my rear and heard him say. “Don’t worry Eileen the first good butt fucking is always the worst, by the time we’re finished with that ass you’ll certainly be able to give it to Bill when he wants it.”

When Peter tried to mount my ass I persuaded him to let me go to the bathroom to get some lubricant and as I got up from the table I noticed Bill had come back and had obviously been watching the three guys take me.

Knowing that I was probably up for some “rough riding,” I lubricated pussy and rear tidied up my make up, took off my g string and pulled down my skirt. before I returned. My top had been torn a bit leaving my breasts totally exposed but I didn’t worry about that as they all had a good look. I was slightly mollified when the guys had some more champagne waiting for me and pronounced me the “finest bit of ass they had ever had.” A few drinks and a lot of fondling later Bill suggested we all retire to the bedroom with some more bottles of champagne.

To be frank the rest of the night was a rather champagne fuelled haze with me very willingly taking cock after cock between my breasts, and in my mouth, rear and pussy – in fact I remember exhausting the guys and still wanting more – before I fell into a drunken slumber.

I think for most of the time I had enough to drink to enjoy the attention I was getting but when I woke late Sunday I was rather horrified to realise what I had done. Particularly when I went to the bathroom and saw the state I was in with my makeup smeared, my stockings laddered, my hair , breasts, top and skirt covered in semen stains and my insides felt as if they had been trampled by herd of buffalo. I still had semen seeping from my pussy and my very damaged and well used anus. Hubby was initially slightly contrite but said he had really enjoyed it and so it appeared had I. He said I was totally insatiable and after I had taken all the guys on several times in various combinations including three at once I still wanted more. In fact Rob had said he had never seen a woman so cock hungry and had fucked me with a champagne bottle and put one of the pool cues up my ass.

Having “crossed the line” how can I go back?

Eileen’s Awakening

Eileen and I have been married for 25 years and like many married couples business and other interests got in the way of our sex life which had waned to about once a month.

To avoid the extra pressure and long hours spent on business I took early retirement when I was 50 but funnily enough I felt even more tires and slightly depressed. To be frank I got to prefer a few drinks down the pub rather than a night of sex with Eileen. The more I drank at night the less I felt like it and again to be frank on a couple of times when she tried to instigate sex I suffered from “brewer’s droop”.

On my 51st birthday she told me not to be late back from the pub as she had a surprise for me. And what a surprise.

When she came to the door she was an absolute vision in much heavier than normal make up, a see through top with her large breasts suspended Bycasino deneme bonusu on top of a little shelf bra and the shortest flared miniskirt that I hade ever seen her wear. It just skimmed the top of her stocking tops

I simply gasped “wow” when she said. “How do you like your birthday surprise?” And as she turned to go into the hall my cock sprung to its hardest spontaneous erection for many years when I saw that the skirt barely covered the big creamy cheeks of her rear. Dinner was forgotten about – I simply took her to bed with two bottles of champagne for the longest night of sex we had for about 15 years.

The Saturday night that followed was also sensational as Eileen dressed in a new see through top, the mini and stockings and suspenders. She seemed as up for it as I was and emboldened by champagne I suggested I take her out in her new gear. I was very pleasantly surprised when she agreed.

I tried to strike while “the iron was hot” and booked for dinner at a country pub out of town. I think Eileen was a little worried about going out in public with so little on and sought my reassurance a couple of times that she didn’t look ridiculous or too tarty.

She went braless in a black see through top with jacket over it in case we met anyone we knew, and the short skirt, g string, stockings and suspenders. I have to say I felt like a young guy on his first date when I saw her ripe thighs above the stocking tops as she swung her legs into the car.

Although the bar wasn’t too busy she kept her jacket buttoned in the bar while we were waiting for the menu and I saw her tug the skirt down a little in a losing battle to stop it rising up above her stocking tops.

When we went through to the restaurant there were not too many diners and she allowed me to take her jacket off. It was a real turn on to see what I had thought was my quite prudish wife sit in a public restaurant with her large tits and nipples on show. Certainly the waiter was very attentive and seemed to like what he saw.

After a few drinks she appeared to relax and quite enjoy the attention she was getting from him and some of the other male diners and I even managed to persuade her not to put on her jacket when she was going out to the loo in the bar. She looked superb coming and going with her big breasts bouncing and her big hip swaying most seductively in a skirt that barely covered them.

She was a bit annoyed that I had persuaded her to go out without her jacket as she said the bar was now rather crowded and she had to pass a group of young guys who had made a few comments about how she was dressed.

When we went into the bar for a nightcap it was obvious from the guys looking across that she had created quite an impression as they couldn’t keep their eyes off her. I have to say this turned me on and I suspect it didn’t do her ego any harm because when I got her back to the car in a darkened corner of the car park she didn’t object when I pushed up her skirt to expose the cool creamy white orbs of her ass and mount her doggy fashion.

She was still turned on when we got home and stimulated me orally to another erection which I used to good effect to give her a very noisy orgasm.

We followed the same pattern over the next few weeks visiting various outlying pubs with Eileen dressed in a variety of gear to show off her tits, ass, thighs and legs. I think she quite got used to it and certainly seemed to enjoy the attention she got from barmen, waiters and younger guys in the bar. I noticed she had stopped pulling down her skirt and seemed quite happy to give the guys a show of a bit of thigh above the stocking tops. Our lovemaking assumed a new intensity both outdoors and indoors and she really seemed to crave more and more cock. When I mentioned it to her one night that she seemed to want as much cock as she could get she smiled sexily and murmured. “Oh yes.”

One can have too much of a good thing and I found that I was getting quite worn out and my pub life had sunk to almost zero. One night when she had to visit a relative I was released from duty and made my way down the pub. With an upcoming match the members of our darts team were worried that I wasn’t getting enough practice in and asked had I got a part-time job. I replied rather tongue in check. “Yes servicing Eileen!”

A few pints later my tongue was loosened enough to tell my mates of Eileen’s new wardrobe and how it had totally revitalised my flagging sex drive. I think the younger guys were a bit surprised and Rob, our star darts player, said he always thought Eileen could be a “bit of a goer” given the right circumstances and with her big tits and ass was well built for it. They all expressed an interest in seeing her in the gear and suggested I get her to wear it to the pub. I said there was no way I could get her to do that but she might agree to wear it at home for one of our pool playing nights.

When I suggested it to Eileen a few nights later she appeared very unwilling – possibly because she thought that I was trying to take things a bit further and possibly allow the guys to grope her. At that stage I hadn’t really thought about taking it that far I genuinely had only thought of “showing her off”.

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